Dear colleagues,
We are honored to invite you to attend the 10th edition of the international conference "Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication" (CBCC), organized by the Department of Foreign Languages of the Romanian-American University in Bucharest.
The conference will take place ONLINE on 28th and 29th of May 2021, and includes several Debates sections, as well as Workshops.
The submission of abstracts can be done until 2nd of April 2021. Please keep in mind that only the papers presented online during the conference proceedings will be published in the conference volume.
All the details for the current edition of the conference (debates' sections, available workshops, full calendar, etc.) are available here.
Best regards,
CBCC Organizing Committee
Romanian-American University
Address: 1B Expoziției Blvd., 1st district, Bucharest, Romania - code 012101
Website: www.rau.ro
Email: limbistraine@rau.ro
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