Oferta szkoleniowa Vilnius Business College

Data: 20.09.2024 Kategorie: Pracownicy
Vilnius Business College in cooperation with 'Training trends' have Erasmus+ staff training courses planned for the Autumn period of October, November and early December.
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Szanowni Państwo poniżej przedstawiamy ofertę szkoleniową otrzymaną z Vilnius Business College jednocześnie uprzejmie informujemy, że DWM nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść oferty oraz przebieg szkoleń.

Publikacja ta ma charakter informacyjny, a każda osoba zainteresowana ofertą Vilnius Business College zobowiązana jest do samodzielnego zapozna się z materiałami promocyjnymi oraz zbadania rzetelności instytucji przed podjęciem decyzji o uczestnictwie.

Vilnius Business College in cooperation with 'Training trends' have Erasmus+ staff training courses planned for the Autumn period of October, November and early December. The courses already are well-proven and worth consideration, since they received great feedback among participants from previous groups.

Now you or your colleague may be interested in joining them as well! It's a great opportunity to experience a 5 day course on-site in the lovely capital of Lithuania - Vilnius

Please be aware that "Training Trends" is a company that understands the pivotal role that education plays in shaping the future, therefore it's thrilled to present an innovative & contemporary set of training programs designed exclusively for academic institutions and its educators and staff. With a keen focus on fostering innovation, adaptability, and excellence, it offers a comprehensive range of workshops and modules that cover a multitude of key skills.

Currently the following Erasmus staff training course topics are confirmed.

  1. October:
  2. November:
  3. December:
    • EU project management and design course 'Erasmus+ guru', December 2nd-6th, short course introduction and registration information -http://staffmobility.eu/staffweek/eu-project-management-and-design-course-0

The courses will involve a lot of practical assignments so it's definitely a good choice if you'd like to explore, discover and improve your skills.

If you'd like to consult about the courses or have questions, you are more than welcome to contact us by replying to this message or by writing to mindaugas@studybusiness.eu

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