Call for papers: EURAS Journal of Social Sciences (EJOSS)

Data: 07.12.2023 Kategorie: Konferencje i publikacje Ogólna Pracownicy Studenci
EURAS announcement: We are thrilled to announce that the EURAS Journal of Social Sciences (EJOSS) is currently open for submissions of original, scholarly articles for publication. As esteemed members of EURAS or individuals within the academic community interested in social sciences, we extend a warm invitation to contribute your research to our esteemed journal.
Wpis może zawierać nieaktualne dane.


EJOSS aims to foster interaction and awareness across diverse disciplines within the realm of social sciences. Our primary goal is to encourage submissions from academicians, scholars, and researchers affiliated with EURAS member institutions. Moreover, we welcome contributions from academic communities worldwide, promoting a diverse exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Focus Areas

EJOSS is committed to exploring various facets of Social Sciences Research, Innovation, and Technology, alongside addressing critical aspects related to Education, Culture, and Society. Through our publications, we strive to deepen the understanding of social phenomena and their profound impacts on communities and societies.

Join Our Editorial Team

Should you have distinguished academicians in mind for nomination as Scientific or Editorial Board Members for EJOSS, we eagerly await your recommendations. Please share their curriculum vitae (CV) with us at Their expertise would significantly contribute to fortifying the editorial team of our journal.

Submission Guidelines

For detailed submission guidelines or to learn more about EJOSS, kindly visit our website at Our submission process is tailored to be user-friendly, and all articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process to uphold the highest academic standards.

We extend our sincere gratitude for your continuous support and dedication to advancing knowledge in the field of social sciences. We eagerly anticipate receiving your submissions and collaborating with you to make a significant impact on social science research and education.

© 2020 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Realizacja: OPTeam S.A.


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