About EJOH
EJOH serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas in the realm of health, fostering interaction and promoting awareness among various disciplines. Our primary goal is to facilitate insightful discussions and advancements in the field.
Who We Encourage
We strongly encourage submissions from academicians, scholars, and researchers associated with EURAS member institutions. Additionally, our call for papers is open to all academic communities worldwide, promoting diversity and inclusivity.
Focus Areas
EJOH is dedicated to exploring a wide spectrum of dynamics in Health Research, Innovation, and Technology, along with addressing issues concerning Education, Culture, and Society in the context of health. Our aim is to advance the understanding of health-related matters and their profound impact on individuals and communities.
Join Us as a Board Member
Should you or any distinguished colleagues wish to contribute to EJOH as Scientific or Editorial Board Members, we welcome your nominations. Please share their curriculum vitae (CV) with us at euras@euras-edu.org , and we will consider their valuable expertise to enhance the editorial team of our journal.
Submission Guidelines
For submission guidelines or to learn more about EJOH, kindly visit our website at https://ejoh.euras-edu.org/en/ . Our submission process is designed to be user-friendly, and all articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of academic excellence.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and dedication to advancing knowledge in health-related fields. We eagerly anticipate receiving your submissions and collaborating to make a positive impact on health research and education.
Dofinansowane ze środków UE. Wyrażone poglądy i opinie są jedynie opiniami autora lub autorów i niekoniecznie odzwierciedlają poglądy i opinie Unii Europejskiej lub Europejskiej Agencji Wykonawczej ds. Edukacji i Kultury (EACEA). Unia Europejska ani EACEA nie ponoszą za nie odpowiedzialności.
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