15th Erasmus Week IPB Portugal

Data: 29.01.2019 Kategorie: Ogólna
15th IPB Erasmus Week: 13-17 May 2019

The 15th edition of the IPB Erasmus Week will take place from 13th to 17th May 2019. The meeting will include teaching seminars and workshops with the international staff. Participants will have the opportunity to visit the IPB Schools and Offices, the cities of Bragança and Mirandela and the “Alto Douro” Wine Region UNESCO World Heritage.

The IPB Erasmus Week is designed to teaching and staff mobility, according to the following limits:

Teachers: 50
Staff members of the International Relations Offices: 20
Other staff members: Image and Students Support Office (Marketing), Image Services (Design and Image Production), Entrepreneurship Office, Informatics Services, Library Management, Project Management Office (only French, Spanish or Portuguese speaking participants), Academic Services, Purchase Department, and Chemical and Biotechnological Laboratories - 5 persons per office/area
Teachers and Staff interested in participate in the 15th IPB Erasmus Week should apply online here:

Additional information:

The IPB Erasmus Week is held annually in May, and its main goals are::

A more efficient organization of visits of teachers and staff from European higher education institutions.
During the IPB Erasmus Week, classes and seminars organized under Staff Teaching Assignment (STA) are scheduled and introduced in the regular timetable of undergraduate and master classes. IPB also organizes teaching and staff training (STT), according to the areas of interest. For the actions under organization of mobility (OM), meetings with the directors and Erasmus coordinators are scheduled.
Becoming familiar with IPB campus and its Schools.
IPB Erasmus Week includes the visit to the facilities of the Schools, according to the areas of interest
Becoming familiar with the cities and the region.
IPB Erasmus Week includes the visit to the cities where IPB is settled (Bragança e Mirandela), as well as to the region where they are located, in particular, the Natural Park of Montesinho and the Alto Douro Wine Region (UNESCO World Heritage).
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