15th Annual International Bata Conference for Ph.D. Students and Young Researchers (DOKBAT 2019)
will be held on the 7th November 2019
at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University in Zlín (CZE)
in cooperation with
Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor (SVN)
The conference is opened to students of Master’s and Doctoral degree programmes. Our conference is a great opportunity to share knowledge and experience in the areas of management, marketing, finance, economics, business administration, industrial engineering, logistics, information systems, public institutions and non-profit organizations. Our conference offers opportunity to not only the presentation and discussion of the scientific issues but also new inspiring workshops and meetings with interesting guests. You can also look forward to a rich evening program in a networking style. All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings indexed in Web of Science Core Collection database and selected papers will be proposed for publication in indexed journals. Participation in the conference is free of charge and no conference or publication fee is charged.
More information about the conference is available on our website – dokbat.utb.cz
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